bla bla bla!

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Chile’s bicentennial year, the year most tragic of Chile

Chile is a young country situated in the south of the word: in South America. The born of the Chile was the 18th September of 1810. Is for this reason that this year has been very special to Chile, this year my country celebrate its two hundred years.
During these two hundred years Chile has lived a lot of event, for example the female vote, the earthquake stronger of the word the “Valdivia earthquake” on 1960, when the papa Juan Pablo II visited Chile. But during this years Chile has lived much event stronger.

All the people wants that this years will be the best years, a year of party with much celebration, but, this year has been a lot of tragic for Chile and Chilean.
This year began with the earthquake and tsunami of the 26th of February, in this event much people died, and a lot of people loosed their houses, and actually they don’t recover their houses even.

Other event very important during this year was when thirty three miners were trapped on the “San José mine”. They were much time in the mine. Their families made a camp on the surface for are near of their husband, fathers, sons, etc. This camp was called “Esperanza Camp”, because those people (the families) have the hope of found to husband, fathers, brother, sons. But this story had a happy end because all the miners were rescued and now are with their families.

And the last tragic event of the bicentenary of Chile was the accident of Tour bus on the sun motorway. In this tragic accident died twenty persons. The people said that this was the accident most serious of the last twenty years. The authorities don’t know why this tragedy happened even.

I tell you about this event because during the Chile’s bicentenary the country has lived a lot of bad experiences. Everyone wants celebrate this year, the bicentenary of our country, with much happiness, making parties. Well this year has been filling of tragic events, but the Chilean people follow forward, the Chilean people have much power to continue with their lives, they have a lot of experience when they must help to needy people. Many bad things has happened this year, but we will learn of these event for be a country better.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

The things that I can´t stand of the University of Chile

First of all, I always dreamed with study in the University of Chile, and honestly I´m a proud student of this great “Alma Matter”. However, with the experience in my two years here, I noted the weakness in this big university. I don’t want to talk about the economic issue because is a great topic and a delicate trouble, my interest is in some myths. As a University we don’t know about the troubles in our faculties and institutes, we live in our own island or fief, and is a reality that we only comes to study at university. There are a few part of the student here interested in the troubles in other places in the university and I wonder: why are fellows as the students of INAP “Institute of Public Affairs” from the University of Chile studying in other dependencies? Why faculties those like the Faculty of Business and Economy or the Faculty of Engineering have a lot of incomes to makes monumental building versus other faculties like the Faculty of Social Science or the Faculty of Arts don’t have money to development their plans in the short or long term? Or why exist in this university the careers of first category, the second categories and third category? It suppose that we study in the same university, but the sad true is that we are different, we are only interested in our careers and pass the exams, but in the other side we don´t think seriously in the university that we want. I dream with a different University, I dream with a University of Chile that think in the future and don´t live in the past.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Myths and trues about the BrAiN

Hello everyone! This week I’m going to talk about a lecture very interesting made by Dr. Pedro Maldonado, teacher of physiology of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Chile. He spoke about the myths and trues about the brain.
The first myth which he said was “the human brain is different to the other animals” this is false, because the human brain have the same structures that the animal brain (we are animals too), the only difference is that the human cerebral cortex is longer and have more neurons, for this reason the human brain have more furrow.
Other myth is “for each activity we use a part of the brain”, it’s wrong, because in the brain activate a lot of parts, in fact, when we don´t make anything, the brain have activity too.
Many people believe that the “brain is like the computer”, this is wrong too, because the computer can make one thing every time and the memory is store in one part, on the other hand, the brain is more complicated, it can make much thing at the same time and the memory is store in a lot of parts.
Other myth that he said is “we use the 10% of the capacity of our brain”, this is false, because we use all the capacity of our brain. Our brain is plastic, in other words, it can change, for this reason while more we use our brain this have more connections.
And the last myth that he said us was “the brain reproduced the world faithfully” it’s false too, because the brain builds its own world, for that reason we have different point of view and we interpret the thing of different way.
Know this thing is very important because we are controlled for our brain, the organ more complex of our body, and this explains why we can make a lot of things, and why we are and think so different. Know these topics help us to understand that our patients will are very different: a pregnant will think and will feel the pain different that other pregnant, so we should treat them of form personalized.

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

eat less meat could save a lot of lives in the world

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about news very interesting about the meat, this news appear in “The guardian” newspaper.
This news is about a research made for the British Heart Foundation health promotion research group at Oxford University, this shows that if we eat less meat could save 45,361 lives a year. This because the meat contains a lot of fat, saturated fat and salt. The meat is very bad for our health.
If the people will follow eats a lot of meat 20,509 people will die by 2050. These days there are 228,000 deaths a year for three causes: heart disease, strokes or diet related cancers, such as bowel cancer. According to this research if the people cutting meat consumption meat two or three time at week, 210 g. approximately, would reduce 31,000 peoples dying early from heart disease, 9,000 from cancer and 5,000 from strokes, this are dates very alarming.
The proposal of the expert is the people shouldn't stop eating meat but they should eat less meat, overcoat processed meat such as bacon, ham and salami and eat more fruit and vegetables.

Rachel Thompson, deputy head of science at the World Cancer Research Fund, said that the dates given for this research are agree with his our research, this said that eat a lot of meat, specially processed meat, increasing the risk of developing bowel cancer, the third most common cancer in the United Kingdom.

But the producers of meat criticised this research, they said that the result of the research of Oxford University are very simplistic, because changing one element of the diet can’t have that dramatic result furthermore the majority of people eat lees meat of the recommendation for the specialist.

I recommend you read this news. You can access to this article making click in the following link:

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Hello everyone. Today I’m going to talk about of stress.

The stress is the form like the body response to an extreme circumstance, for example run when a dog want bite you. This is a physiological response because let defend us of the danger, but when this stress interferes in you live, it can be a big problem. Can be a lot of the causes of the stress, for example: harmful stimulus of environment, situation of threat, frustration. Symptoms of stress are anxiety, insomnia, depression, fear, etc.

And some consequences of stress can be have a difficult relationship with other people, you can be irritable.

According to a study of the Adolfo Ibañez University, In Chile one of four people have some grade of stress, and the 27% of the people have bring to a standstill. These dates show us that the stress in Chile is very high and it is in increase. In this study the people said some factor that have influenced in the stress are thing like: high cost of the live, the children education, debt, etc.

For example: Santiago is a city with a lot of people, cars, traffics, pollution, and the people, that live hear, are a life very stressful, with much movement: the job, the children, the school, etc. these are thing that the people think when they are under stress.

There is evidence about the make exercise or have a hobby like paint, sing, etc. help to deal with the stress, learn technical of relaxation, make yoga, pilates too. But if the stress is more serious you can go to the psychologist.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Postovulatory effects of levonorgestel in Emergency Contraception

Hello everyone! This week I am going to talk about a presentation about a research article “Postovulatory effects of levonorgestel in Emergency Contraception” written by Dr. Carlos Valenzuela of University of Chile. The presentation was very interesting and furthermore this has very relation with the midwifery. This was about if the levonorgetrel have or haven’t effects postovulatory and if this is abortive or not abortive. With this presentation I understood better the research paper. Well, first: the levonorgestrel is the principal constituent of the anticonceptive pills, for example postinor 2. This is used for the women after coitus for prevent pregnancies. The Dr. Valenzuela explained us the difference between Contraceptive and anticontraceptive because the majority of people think that both are synonymous: contraceptive is against the conception and antoconceptive is when there isn’t fertilization. Then the levonorgestrel is anticonceptive, because when the woman take the pill before of coitus, this inhibit the ovulation, and according to the Dr. Valenzuela, the levonorgetrel have effect postovulatory and furthermore the levonorgestrel (in case of have happened the fertilization) increase the risk of have a ectopic pregnancy because this catch the cigoto in the oviductus, implanting on it, overcoat if the woman take two pills, then the lenonorgestrel is contraceptive too. An ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy where the embryo grow outside the uterus, in this case, this grow on the oviductus. This pregnancy is very dangerous because the mother is in high risk.

Still there isn’t agreement about the beginning of life, some believe the life begin in the fertilization, other think the life begin in the implantation, then, if levonorgetrel is abortive or not abortive depend of religion or ideology of each person. The Dr. Valenzuela think the live begin in the fertilization, then, according to him, the levonorgetrel can be abortive.

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

“Chile’s Fiestas Patrias”

Hello everyone! In this week i am going to talk about “Chile’s Fiestas Patrias”. This consists in the celebration of Chile´s Independence Day; that day was the 18th of September of 1810. Although is one day, the celebration is during all month of September, for that reason, this month is called “Month of the Nation” (mes de la patria). During this month, every houses have the chilean flag on its window and the colors of the flag (red, blue and white) are in everywhere, like in the Malls, schools, houses, streets, supermarket, etc. And the people make different typical activities, for example: the children climb kits and play spinning top, and the shopkeeper build temporary refreshment stands or fondas that offer typical food like pies (empanadas), kebabs, barbecued meat and chicha. Also, the people dance the typical dancing: the cueca, overcoat the children at schools. This is a dancing very fun, where the man and the woman imitate to the rooster and the hen. And a lot of people dress of huaso and huasa. But this year is special, because is the Chile´s bicentenary. Is for that reason that the government decreed the 17th and 20th of September holiday, for that the people enjoyed more time because the people are very delighted with this celebration. I like this celebration because is very fun, the people are very happy and I eat delicious food very much, but overcoat because the university give me one week of holidays. This year, a French company going to present a lights show on the Moneda Palace for celebrate the Chilean bicentenary, I would like go because this show will be very fun.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

"the little prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Hello everyone! In this opportunity I am going to talk to you about one of my favourite books, this is “the little prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The story is about an aviator which got lost in the Sahara desert, and he found a little prince, who is visiting the earth planet. This little prince was travel for different planets and knowing the people that live at them. In this travel he knew to a king, a conceited Man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter, a geographer and at the earth the little prince knew to this aviator.
I read this book at the school, when I was in first grade of secondary. I read this book because I had that make an essay for the school and immediately I liked so much, because though to glance it looks be a book for children, in reality, this book has a meaning very profound.
The interesting of this book is that through of metaphors it talks about a lot of topics, like the importance of friendship, about of how are the adults, their form of think and act, the complicated and sometimes stupid that act them and about the wisdom of the children. It talks about remember that sometime we were children and that we continue being them. This book is easy of read but for you understand it you should have time. Besides, this book has drawing made by its own author.
I recommend this book to all who continue being children of heart and to those adults who want continue being children.

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

my last blog

Hello everyone!!! Today is my last blog and I am talk about my blogging experience.

This was my first experience of write in a blog and this I liked it. It was very fan because I never have published an article or comment in the cyberspace, this was very exciting. The topics of the blog were very interesting because these topics were about the midwifery area and I could express my opinion about these. We could read and comment the blogs of my classmates. I realized that the opinions of my classmates about some topics are very different, and this I liked too. The topics blog were very interesting. The topic that I liked more was “education and prevention” because we like midwife should educate and prevent during all our career. My mistakes more frequent was not use “would”, I never forget to use it. With the blog I learned new words, for example: midwifery, labour, lifestyle, illness among other. Also, these words are fundamental for my area.
For me, write in this blog was not very difficult, because to me is most easy write in English that speak in English. When I speak in English I get very nervous. The most difficult topic was “Gender Role in Health Care” because i don’t know enough about this theme.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

My ideal job

Hello everyone, in this week I’m talk about my ideal job. Well, in this moment I think that my ideal job when I would graduate like midwifery is assist personalize labour; this is why I began to study midwifery, because I like the action and I would like guide to the pregnants for that they have a successful natural labour, also I don’t have problem whit the shift system.

My ideal job should be in the public system because I don’t like work only by money, but that I would like help to the pregnants whit low economic level for that they have a worthy labour. I would like work in public hospital, but I don’t know if in Santiago or in some region even. If I work in Santiago I would like work in the San José Hospital, in Independencia, because, at present, in that hospital there are lots of problems in the maternity, because in that hospital there are few health professional and there are a lot of people.

The environment in the hospital and overcoat in the delivery room is very hectic and stressful but l like this environment, the adrenalina, running to and fro, etc. But that environment is not good for the pregnants, then, I would like to reassure the environment for them, speaking them with clam, give them security.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010


Lupita was a little child. She lived in a place called candy town. One day she was sleeping when she heard a stronger roar. When she opened her eyes, she saw a lion in her bedroom and she jumped of her bed. She was more frightened than when his father punished him for a bad grade in school. And Lupita began to run around of her bedroom escaping of the lion. She said: “mister lion don’t eat me please, I am not delicious enough, because I don’t eat all food, my mom always scolds me for that”. And the lion opened its mouth and said: “you don’t have fear, I don’t eat human because I am vegetarian. I was lived near of mountain but now there are a lot of people with pistols, they are bad men. And now I am escaping of them”. Lupita became sad, and she approached to lion and said: i help you, follow me”. And both down the staircase until the basement, and lupita said: “you stay here, it is too small, but is the only place where my parent don’t find you”. “Thank you little child, you are a very kind people” said the lion. Suddenly demolished the door of the house, and a lot of people entered to this, they were the hunters!!, Lupita and the lion were very scared and lupita embraced to leon and when opened her eyes she was in her bedroom, on her bed. it was a dream.

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

Education and Prevention

Hi everyone. In this opportunity I am talk about education and prevention. This topic is very important in our carrier like health professional because during our professional performance we should to educate to the community always. We have educate to user for that they decide by them self about their health.

The objective of education is to promote healthy lifestyle and to prevent the illness.

To understand more about prevention is necessary know some concept:
Risk factors: these are some conducts that if exist increase the probability of have some illness, for example: obesity, sedentary, bad diet, smoke, etc.

We should educate to the people with risk conduct but also we should educate to all the people, including the people healthy.

We like midwife can educate about diverse matter, like sexuality (one of our speciality), treatment, illness, healthy diet, etc. But we also can educate to the community through educational programs. One form of educate to the community is teach them to make programs.

In Chile almost 90% of the people is sedentary, and the majority have bad diet, these are some of principal risk factors of cardiac illness (principal cause of dead in Chile).

Is for that, we like health professional should educate to the people for prevent these illness. In my opinion, the better ways of prevent is encourage to people for have healthy lifestyle, for example: make exercise, have a good diet, don’t smoke, etc.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Gender Role in Health Care

Hello everyone!! This week I’m going to talk about the gender role in Health Care. In the beginning only the women were midwifery, because in those times the people thought that the gestation was topic only for women. But with the time, this way of think has change, is for that, actually there are male midwife, but still they are few. There are more female midwife that male midwife, for example, in my level; there is one man every ten women. In contrast to medicine and kinesiology, when there are more men that women.

In this profession men and women are the same responsibilities, but I don’t know if difference of salaries between women and men. I think that the female patients have preference to the male midwife like the male gynaecologist; they said that the men are more careful that the women.

I think that the men and women have the same opportunity, therefore, both can have a high Professional Development, although, I know only female midwife in position important, for example the director of midwifery school, director of medical center. But in think that this is because there are few male midwife and because I know few midwife.

In Chile exist inequality between women and men, when the women are discriminate, because thy got less salary and they have few position important, but in this profession I think that don’t exist a lot of different between gender about this topic.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

My future as a midwife

Hello, today i am going to talk about my future as a midwife. Well, it is very difficult for me because I don’t know where work ever. But I am sure that I will work in the public system, because I love it, and the people with low economic level need our help.

I will like specialize in two areas when I complete the university: first “obstetric”, because is very beautiful and I love it. I will work in the public hospital and I will go assist personalize labour and promote the “apego” (affection) between the mother and foetus. I like give a good attention to everything women, because they are people with feelings. It is very difficult and complicated because are two live on our hand, it is a lot of responsibility.

And after of that, I like work in primary health system or public surgery, because I love it too. I think that here is where I can help more, because the best is promote the good health and prevent the illness.

After that i have a lot of years of professional service I like make “public health” postgraduate course, I like study the community and know which are the illness more frequent and make publics political for prevent those. Also I like make research about different topics about midwifery.

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

My favourite subject

Hello everyone, this week I’m going to talk about my favourite subject. Well, my favourite subject is “health research”. This subject contain different unit, for example: demography and epidemiology.

The demography permit us know the characteristic of people with who we will work, for make health programs. And the epidemiology permit us know the illness more prevalent in the community studied.

In my opinion, the most difficult of this subject is interpret data, but for my partners is learn the formula for calculated the data. And the easiest is make the calculation.

This subject is give for different teachers according to matter, but all are midwife. My favourite teacher is the Rosa Reneré midwife, because she has a lot of experience in the health research and the public health.

Well, this is my favourite subject, but that don’t mean that have good grades. I’m in the average of class. Until, this is the subject more difficult for me, but I don’t understand why, it’s very frustrating for me.

This subject is very important for me because in the future, I like make “public health” postgraduate course, and this topics are the basis of this science. Also, In the future, i want job on public medical center, and for that I need user all those tools.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

College of Midwifes of Chile website

Hi everyone. Today I am going to talk about "College of Midwifes of Chile" website. This is the official website of the midwife of Chile. Here there are a lot of topics and information about our profession, like the story and evolution of the midwifery. Here appear legal text, for example: the regulations that governed the profession, like midwifery oath, sanitary code, etc.
Other topic that here appear is about genus and family, these articles are very important for the midwifery because we should watch for the women rights always. In this website there is a virtual library with different text about obstetric and gynaecology.
In this website there are articles about the AUGE plan and estadistic dates. Here appear a employment bureau too.
I like this website because is the official website of the midwifery trade, and here publish updates news and articles very interesting about the midwifery, like natural labour,etc.
I visit this website frequently because here appear update information that I use for my university works, like: the pregorexia, midwifery story, emergency contraception, etc. I recommend visit it. The link of "College of Midwifes of Chile" website is: I hope that visit and enjoy it.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

I and my experience with the earthquake

Hello everyone! My name is Daniela Rojas, I’m 19 years old. I’m midwifery student of the Medicine Faculty of the Univertsity of Chile. I’m from Chile and I live in Maipu with my parents and sister.

I hope achieve be a good health professional. I desire learn english speak to , because it’s very good for my professional develop. For this is that I will publish different articles about me and my career.

Today, I’m going to talk about my experience with the earthquake. Well, this happened the February 27th. I was sleeping in the grandmother’s house. When started tremor, my mom get of bed and she started cry because my dad was in my house alone, she wake up me, and we ran to doors while i tried to calm her but started the earthquake and we hug.
My reaction like future midwife, in the earthquake, is organize us with my partners to go help to the people.