bla bla bla!

martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Hello everyone. Today I’m going to talk about of stress.

The stress is the form like the body response to an extreme circumstance, for example run when a dog want bite you. This is a physiological response because let defend us of the danger, but when this stress interferes in you live, it can be a big problem. Can be a lot of the causes of the stress, for example: harmful stimulus of environment, situation of threat, frustration. Symptoms of stress are anxiety, insomnia, depression, fear, etc.

And some consequences of stress can be have a difficult relationship with other people, you can be irritable.

According to a study of the Adolfo Ibañez University, In Chile one of four people have some grade of stress, and the 27% of the people have bring to a standstill. These dates show us that the stress in Chile is very high and it is in increase. In this study the people said some factor that have influenced in the stress are thing like: high cost of the live, the children education, debt, etc.

For example: Santiago is a city with a lot of people, cars, traffics, pollution, and the people, that live hear, are a life very stressful, with much movement: the job, the children, the school, etc. these are thing that the people think when they are under stress.

There is evidence about the make exercise or have a hobby like paint, sing, etc. help to deal with the stress, learn technical of relaxation, make yoga, pilates too. But if the stress is more serious you can go to the psychologist.

1 comentario:

  1. Daniiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
    Your blog is very interesting because this includes figures! :)
    Besides, your explanation of the concept of stress is well exemplified in the everyday situation that you mentioned at the beginning :)
    I like your blog dani :)
    Brisa Jara R.
