bla bla bla!

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Chile’s bicentennial year, the year most tragic of Chile

Chile is a young country situated in the south of the word: in South America. The born of the Chile was the 18th September of 1810. Is for this reason that this year has been very special to Chile, this year my country celebrate its two hundred years.
During these two hundred years Chile has lived a lot of event, for example the female vote, the earthquake stronger of the word the “Valdivia earthquake” on 1960, when the papa Juan Pablo II visited Chile. But during this years Chile has lived much event stronger.

All the people wants that this years will be the best years, a year of party with much celebration, but, this year has been a lot of tragic for Chile and Chilean.
This year began with the earthquake and tsunami of the 26th of February, in this event much people died, and a lot of people loosed their houses, and actually they don’t recover their houses even.

Other event very important during this year was when thirty three miners were trapped on the “San José mine”. They were much time in the mine. Their families made a camp on the surface for are near of their husband, fathers, sons, etc. This camp was called “Esperanza Camp”, because those people (the families) have the hope of found to husband, fathers, brother, sons. But this story had a happy end because all the miners were rescued and now are with their families.

And the last tragic event of the bicentenary of Chile was the accident of Tour bus on the sun motorway. In this tragic accident died twenty persons. The people said that this was the accident most serious of the last twenty years. The authorities don’t know why this tragedy happened even.

I tell you about this event because during the Chile’s bicentenary the country has lived a lot of bad experiences. Everyone wants celebrate this year, the bicentenary of our country, with much happiness, making parties. Well this year has been filling of tragic events, but the Chilean people follow forward, the Chilean people have much power to continue with their lives, they have a lot of experience when they must help to needy people. Many bad things has happened this year, but we will learn of these event for be a country better.

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

The things that I can´t stand of the University of Chile

First of all, I always dreamed with study in the University of Chile, and honestly I´m a proud student of this great “Alma Matter”. However, with the experience in my two years here, I noted the weakness in this big university. I don’t want to talk about the economic issue because is a great topic and a delicate trouble, my interest is in some myths. As a University we don’t know about the troubles in our faculties and institutes, we live in our own island or fief, and is a reality that we only comes to study at university. There are a few part of the student here interested in the troubles in other places in the university and I wonder: why are fellows as the students of INAP “Institute of Public Affairs” from the University of Chile studying in other dependencies? Why faculties those like the Faculty of Business and Economy or the Faculty of Engineering have a lot of incomes to makes monumental building versus other faculties like the Faculty of Social Science or the Faculty of Arts don’t have money to development their plans in the short or long term? Or why exist in this university the careers of first category, the second categories and third category? It suppose that we study in the same university, but the sad true is that we are different, we are only interested in our careers and pass the exams, but in the other side we don´t think seriously in the university that we want. I dream with a different University, I dream with a University of Chile that think in the future and don´t live in the past.