bla bla bla!

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

Postovulatory effects of levonorgestel in Emergency Contraception

Hello everyone! This week I am going to talk about a presentation about a research article “Postovulatory effects of levonorgestel in Emergency Contraception” written by Dr. Carlos Valenzuela of University of Chile. The presentation was very interesting and furthermore this has very relation with the midwifery. This was about if the levonorgetrel have or haven’t effects postovulatory and if this is abortive or not abortive. With this presentation I understood better the research paper. Well, first: the levonorgestrel is the principal constituent of the anticonceptive pills, for example postinor 2. This is used for the women after coitus for prevent pregnancies. The Dr. Valenzuela explained us the difference between Contraceptive and anticontraceptive because the majority of people think that both are synonymous: contraceptive is against the conception and antoconceptive is when there isn’t fertilization. Then the levonorgestrel is anticonceptive, because when the woman take the pill before of coitus, this inhibit the ovulation, and according to the Dr. Valenzuela, the levonorgetrel have effect postovulatory and furthermore the levonorgestrel (in case of have happened the fertilization) increase the risk of have a ectopic pregnancy because this catch the cigoto in the oviductus, implanting on it, overcoat if the woman take two pills, then the lenonorgestrel is contraceptive too. An ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy where the embryo grow outside the uterus, in this case, this grow on the oviductus. This pregnancy is very dangerous because the mother is in high risk.

Still there isn’t agreement about the beginning of life, some believe the life begin in the fertilization, other think the life begin in the implantation, then, if levonorgetrel is abortive or not abortive depend of religion or ideology of each person. The Dr. Valenzuela think the live begin in the fertilization, then, according to him, the levonorgetrel can be abortive.

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2010

“Chile’s Fiestas Patrias”

Hello everyone! In this week i am going to talk about “Chile’s Fiestas Patrias”. This consists in the celebration of Chile´s Independence Day; that day was the 18th of September of 1810. Although is one day, the celebration is during all month of September, for that reason, this month is called “Month of the Nation” (mes de la patria). During this month, every houses have the chilean flag on its window and the colors of the flag (red, blue and white) are in everywhere, like in the Malls, schools, houses, streets, supermarket, etc. And the people make different typical activities, for example: the children climb kits and play spinning top, and the shopkeeper build temporary refreshment stands or fondas that offer typical food like pies (empanadas), kebabs, barbecued meat and chicha. Also, the people dance the typical dancing: the cueca, overcoat the children at schools. This is a dancing very fun, where the man and the woman imitate to the rooster and the hen. And a lot of people dress of huaso and huasa. But this year is special, because is the Chile´s bicentenary. Is for that reason that the government decreed the 17th and 20th of September holiday, for that the people enjoyed more time because the people are very delighted with this celebration. I like this celebration because is very fun, the people are very happy and I eat delicious food very much, but overcoat because the university give me one week of holidays. This year, a French company going to present a lights show on the Moneda Palace for celebrate the Chilean bicentenary, I would like go because this show will be very fun.